This book has hands down been the most insightful and enlightening book in terms of sparking me to crack the Bible Code. The Bible is NOT just a book that’s simply open for interpretation based on what a person’s stage of spiritual development happens to be at a particular time, for when you fully grasp the Bible, it is NOT open for interpretation. The Bible has a clear message it conveys through its parables that can only be comprehended when the whole brain is used. Left brain logic will have you debating the historical facts as if the characters were living individuals who once walked the planet. Right brain will have you seeking deeper meaning and finding poetic symbolism. When both cerebral hemispheres of the high brain (versus the lower cerebellum, the animal brain) become one and work harmoniously, the parables will be accurately understood.
From time to time beginning now through the 2018 year, I will pick a chapter to share, summarize, and/or expand of Carey’s GOD-MAN: The Word Made Flesh connecting additional dots of my own, that involve Patañjali’s Yoga, astrology, etymology, other verses in the Bible not used by Carey, and otherwise. As I do, I will make the font BOLD indicating to you at a glance that it’s ready for view, and you’ll be able to hover and click the sections (from GOD-MAN’s Table Of Contents below) that have you intrigued and pique your curiosity. As you read, if you have comments, questions, additional input, or suggested resources that might contribute constructively in determining what more to do, if anything, in order to refine, accumulate, and raise our OIL most efficiently, please respond in the comment section. In the meantime, you should grab copies of GOD-MAN: The Word Made Flesh, and YOGA, Truth, & The Real Fountain of Youth, pick up a KJV Bible, and signup to receive updates so you can be a part of this dis-cussion in real time as it organically develops.
Redemption the Ultimate Goal of Humanity …………………......……………......…....10 The Kingdom at Hand ………………………………………………………............................................11 Books Rejected by the Council of Nicea ……………………….........….......………...….….14 Names ………………………………………………………………………….....….................................................16 The Marvelous Story of Joseph and Mary ……………….....…..........………………..........19 Man was Made Upright ………………………...………………………............................……….....…..21 It: The Eternity of Perfection …………………………..………...............…....................……........23 Sarah and Abraham ……………………………………………….....................………...........................38 The Word of God Revealed …………………………..……………..........………...…........................39 The Explanation of “Turning Water into Wine”...........……...……………..................56 John the Baptist -- Physiologically Explained ……….…………....…………................61 The Plagues of Egypt in the Human Body ………...……………………………................63 What was the Word of God that Came to the Prophets?..….....………….…….55 The Great Pyramid …………………………..………….…………………….................................……......65 Isaiah ……………………………………………..……..…………………...................……..........................…........69 The Optic Thalamus …………………………..………............................….......................………........71 The Central or Single Eye ………………………….….......................…....................…………........75 Statement by a Greek Professor …………………..................................…………………........78 The Wives and Children of Jacob ………………….………….............................………….......81 The Solar Plexus …………………………….………………………………....................................……........83 Prophecies Fulfilled ……………………………..……..…………………..................………....................86 Killing the Fatted Calf or Kaph ………………………....…………...............…..........…..……......87 The Anti-Christ ………………………………….….…………………………......................…...................…..89 The Rib-lah that Made the Womb in Man(kind) ......…......………..…….……..........95 The Bridge of Life ……………………………..………………………………..................................….........98 Sacred Books of the East …………………………….………………………................…...................105 The Mystery of Santa Claus Revealed ……………...….....……………………....107 The Science of Leap Year ……………………………………......................……..…....................…...111 The Revelation of Hermes …………………………………….............……….....….................…......113 The Secret Doctrine …………………………….……………………...............….....…......................…...119 Why Re-incarnate? ..............................................…………........................................................122 The Lake of Fire and Brimstone ………………….………………...............…............…….........124 Physical Regeneration ………………………….…….…………………...............................................125 Thirteen, the United States Seal & Woodrow Wilson.….......……....………….......130 Daniel in the Lion’s Den ……………………………....………………................................................135 Noah, the Ark and the Animals ……………………...………………........................…….…........143 Mistranslation of Scripture …………………….………………………........…..................……......….147 Joshua Commanding the Sun & Moon to Stand Still.…....…....…………….…......149 Glossary…………………………………………………………………………...............................................….......151 The Meaning of Glory. (p. 152) The Tree of Life. (p.154) The Only Cause of Old Age. (p.154) Samson. (p.155) Twenty-second Chapter of Revelation, 1st and 2nd Verses. (p.156) Crucified Between Two Thieves. (p.157) “My Yoke is Easy and My Burden is Light.” (p.157) Dormant Brain Cells. (p.158) Children. (p.159) Psalms of David. (p.159) He that Ruleth His Own House. (p.160) “And Enoch Walked With God and Was Not.” (p.161) The Jewel in the Lotus. (p.162) The Kundalini Fire. (p.162) The Human Automobile. (p.163) The Pneumogastric Nerve (Tree) and the Holy Ghost. (p.164) The Son of Man. (p.165) “Ye Who Have Followed Me in the Regeneration.” (p.165) As a Man Thinketh in His Heart so is He …………..………………….................................167 “To Him that Overcometh.” (p.172) Extract From Discourses From The Spirit World ...…………………….…...............….174 Consummation…………………………………………………………….......................................................175