![]() Creative Commons from quinn.anya Ok, I took a little bit of a hiatus over the last 6 months. The duties of my full-time "employment" distracted me from staying connected to my blog. That's my fault for allowing it to get in the way! For that, I sincerely apologize. The reason I even decided to blog and blog about the subject matter I blog about is because I am sick of standing by, watching, and doing nothing while people are needlessly suffering all around me. I know I have some valuable experience, insight, and knowledge to share with people, and not taking the initiative to share my experience with others is wrong as far as I see it! I care about people and the world too much to sit idly by in silence. Now, whether people find their way to my blog, and whether people seriously consider what I have to offer depends on other forces and factors out of my control. All I can do is put it out there, so this is me taking the initiative and doing my part. I love y'all! The world can only be as good as the people in it. My way of pumping life into the world is by being and becoming my best and healthiest self, and sharing what I learn with others so they can too. If we all begin to share our stories with one another, we will begin to see that we are not alone in what we are going through, and we will be able to identify the essential common denominators to our problems and the solutions to those problems. On the other hand, by not talking with each other and sharing our experiences, we will continue to feel isolated and alone and think our problems are unique to us and no one else is going through what we are going through. Nothing is further from the truth. We are all struggling to wake up from the same human condition -- only the "details" of our respective lives are different. My blog is my effort to help as many people as I can possibly help. By improving myself, the world is one person better. If I am able to help myself and one other, the world is two people better. If I am able to help 100 people, a 1000 people, or 10,000 people, then the world is that many more people better. My mission is to promote and facilitate world improvement to the extent of my capacity, and it starts with me. To me, that’s the only life worth living. This venue (the internet) makes it possible to share my experience and reach more people than has ever been possible before, and I intend to work with the tools available to the best of my ability to connect with the largest audience possible, world-wide. If you have found your way here, please share my site with others you think might benefit, or might appreciate the language I use and the perspective I hold. We don't have to suffer in this lifetime. We don't have to get sick. We don't have to be broke. All that is necessary to not suffer, not get sick, and to not be broke is the proper knowledge and choices combined with commensurate action, reflection, and continual calibration. Remember, there was a time when these people believed the world was flat. There was a time when these people thought Earth was the center of the Universe. The popular beliefs of today have peoples' minds enthralled in thoughts of disease, war, and mindlessness. So, be careful when you decide to believe in what the masses believe in. Be careful when you accept to believe in disease, poverty, and suffering the way the current zeitgeist would have you believe. Ask yourself, do your beliefs give you power over your life, or do your beliefs render you powerless to the circumstances of your life? The choice is ours about the kind of life we live. I look to connect with people who are interested in tapping into their true power so they can live the best quality life possible. We all have it. We just need to learn how to access it. Let’s join forces. Let’s share our insights and experiences. If you are ready, and you'll join me, we can make what needs to happen happen. Ready, set , go! Let's do this...
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Today's Sunday Yoga at Allegro was a pretty awesome practice! For the first ever yoga class offered to residents, the turnout was pretty impressive. I was certainly delighted to see the number that came out bright and early, and eager to get their yoga on! This is going to be an amazing class!
I've uploaded the sequence here for your review. Enjoy! And let me know if you should have any questions... |
RED PILL OR BLUE PILL?The TRUTH is so much stranger than fiction that it seems like fiction itself, at first anyway. This site is devoted to connecting dots not usually connected, and sharing important info relevant to saving our seed, raising our OIL, and heaving our NUN. Must Read BooksCategories
December 2017
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