When you're encouraged to “NOT PAY ATTENTION” to certain things (by school education, news journalism, movies, etc…) and you comply, you are choosing to IGNORE certain things, which is a softer way to say that you are volunteering to be IGNORant. In our society, people are typically easily managed or controlled at stage one, and it has hardly ever reached stage two on a grand scale in our times (at least in the U.S. since the civil rights movement with Malcolm, JFK, and the Black Panthers). By strategic ridicule (through media and entertainment), people are manipulated into “dismissing” and “ignoring” certain things because to question certain things is portrayed as dumb, silly, or a waste of time to investigate. The ones who question may be labeled as paranoid, crazy, off their rocker, out of their minds, or certifiable, which causes others watching to remain quiet and docile in order to avoid such labels. Remember, media and TV are just mega/microphones for “govern-ment” to aid so-called leaders in “managing” the population (to govern means “to control” and ment refers to what’s “mental” or that “dealing with the mind;” so we are talking about “mind control” - plain and simple - and when you control the mind, you control the behavior). A good rule of thumb is to listen to what government leaders, politicians, television/radio personalities (news hosts, journalists, sports show commentators, etc.), and other influential powers give their attention and effort to in an attempt to make seem ridiculous. The things they ridicule are some key things you might want to investigate and question (as well as the information they try to shove down your throat). For instance, have you ever heard this…?
If these issues were truly ridiculous, then why give them any attention at all? For ratings? If that’s the case, what a supreme waste of time! Especially when there are so many other things that deserve attention that don’t get serious mention on popular TV at all (like educational disenfranchisement, harmful effects of fluoridated water, toxicity of mercury amalgams aka silver dental fillings, how small farmers are losing their farms because of GMO cross pollination that’s also ruining the topsoil which negatively affects the mineral quality of produce, how all so-called incurable diseases like cancer can be reversed by detoxifying the body, the idiocy of geoengineering aka chemtrails, etc.). If you dismiss and choose to NOT pay attention to certain things because there is a voice in you that says, "That's ridiculous and doesn't need to be questioned" then ask yourself WHO PUT THAT VOICE IN MY HEAD? Is that voice in your head because you investigated the matter and arrived at a sound and thoughtful conclusion based on your own experience and based on what your senses are telling you, or was that voice planted in your mind through education? If you are sick, broke, unhappy, insecure, and/or feel like there is no purpose to life other than sensual pleasure or material success, you gotta stop and think, HOW DID I GET THIS WAY? The TRUTH is that YOU ARE PURE POWER, and if you don't know this, then you don't know the Truth. Seek ye the Truth and it shall set you free. If you don't seek the Truth, where do you think you'll be? Love y'all!!!
COGNITIVE DISSONANCE (CD) is NO JOKE! Many people think they’ve experienced it before, but THEY HAVE NO IDEA. What they actually experienced might be better described as a slight to moderate paradigm shift (which is more like a category 1 or 2 or 3 CD Episode, likened to the strength of hurricanes). COGNITIVE DISSONANCE (category 4 or 5 because of its destructive nature) is much more profound than merely learning to look at things from a new perspective and through fresh eyes, although all levels of CD includes this. If you ever do experience real CD (with the strength of Hurricane Andrew or Katrina), then there is no doubt that you will return to the world with eyes anew (and I intentionally say “return to this world” because you WILL be broken from it, at least temporarily). If you’ve already gone through severe CD before, then you already know the truth of this statement. Consider that from the moment we enter this world and take our first breaths of air, we begin immediately to construct OUR knowledge of what WE think we see and experience. The knowledge WE construct is personal and unique to us, and it’s what we’ll use to navigate this world and get along during our lifetime. Every experience gets organized into our mindframe in a way that makes the most sense to us and feels the most comfortable, even though “most” comfortable doesn’t necessarily mean comfortable (we just become numb to certain discomforts). And it’s important to note that how we feel about what we think (how we organize our thoughts and what we accept) more and more colors the lens through which we see things. Keeping with this line of thought, think of it like this... since birth, each experience is like a card from an infinite standard deck. The knowledge we are building metaphorically takes the form of a house of cards, with our earliest experiences forming the foundation of our house, which we come to recognize as home. Over time, we learn lots of things, like how to walk and talk, our ABCs, what it feels like to fall and get hurt, how to read, grammar, our favorite songs, how to get upset or excited, mathematics, what’s funny, how to tell fibs, guilt, etc. and each of these things we learn is like a card that gets situated into the structure of the house we call home. When we are older, we tend to build upwards, and the cards we accumulate get placed neatly and securely on top of other securely placed cards that were already firmly lodged and established. We do this to ensure, in our own minds at least, that our house of knowledge won’t fall (and we do this unconsciously, often without ever knowing it). This is why as we get older we tend to be very guarded and careful of the kind of new knowledge we take in, and we may even become protective of the old knowledge we’ve already acquired, because we don’t want to let anything near our house that might threaten its stability (because this threatens our comfort). We’ll do whatever we have to do in order to keep our house from collapsing. What many people have claimed to be cognitive dissonance was but a remodeling in one of the rooms in their house, fixing a leak from a hole in the roof, or spending more time in a room you’ve previously not spent much time in while looking out at the world through its window. True CD is when something happens to cause one of your foundational cards to be snatched away in an instant causing your house to topple just as immediately as the card was snatched. If this should happen, the person will be faced with having to start all over and begin to rebuild their house (of knowledge) from damn near scratch. That’s a category 5 CD... when you learn that something you assumed to be fundamental and rudimentary, something that you’ve built years of (previously thought-to-be and so-called) “advanced” knowledge upon, is wholly wrong and upside down. I lived through a category 5 CD when I was 45. I remember racking my brain and working through it for about 3 weeks before I was brave enough to finally bring it up to my wife. I resisted because I felt a little embarrassed by this newfound knowledge and realization, and was concerned how my wife would see me afterwards. The illusion I was under is an illusion that practically everyone we know is under (chances are that you're under the illusion I speak of as you read this, and think what you believe is a fact -- I used to), as is the vast majority of society. Thankfully she was supportive and not condescending or patronizing in the least (I never should’ve questioned that); in fact, she ended up going through her own category 5 after looking into it (well, it might’ve been a 4 for her, she's quicker than me). It was even a full month before I emerged confident enough and prepared to speak about this Truth to anyone else. The Truth IS stranger than fiction, and if you figure out certain truths that directly contradict what we've been educated to believe through our schooling, because it is "stranger than fiction," you risk looking like an idiot and being ridiculed by "the authorities" and the public (including your friends and family), AND this is after you've already taken a beating from your lower ego and gone through the emotional journey of resolving your own CD. No wonder most people (unconsciously) have no interest what-so-ever in seeking and pursuing Truth, even though it shall set them free. Can we blame them? Can we blame anyone? Truth is not for the faint at heart, especially in this world where we are deliberately fed misinformation and disinformation to influence our decisions. The path of Truth can be a lonely road, and most often is. Perhaps this is why today’s truth seekers, who set out to awaken the masses with knowledge, are mislabeled as terrorists…? And, it should be noted that, not all so-called truth seekers are committed to Truth, as can be ascertained by their methods. TRUE Truth leads to tranquility, not turmoil. If truth seekers who intend to assist in the elevating of our world’s collective consciousness only inspire fear and not real and practical action that leads to greater individual and world harmony, then they are not on the light side of things. As I stated in another post, YOU ARE PURE POWER, and IF YOU KNEW THE TRUTH, THEN YOU WOULD KNOW THIS. Stay awake! Love y'all!!! ~Damon It’s important to KNOW Truth so that you may construct an accurate world view rooted in Reality/Actuality (RA). Otherwise you hand over your power to the”architects of the container” you exist within, aka The Matrix (May Tricks, having to do with the Bull/Taurus), where they have absolute arbitrary control over the contents therein (including "the people" in the box). If you wish NOT to be under the influence of the Matador taking licks and losing blood, then never deny your senses in favor of complicated explanations impressed upon you through institutional education, popular cinema, mass media, and/or scientismic research (that when actually researched ironically turns out to be nothing more than science fiction itself, but most don’t bother to question what’s told to them by their masters). Never let anyone convince you to blindly take the word of someone that has had the label "scientist" slapped on them. Never let anyone convince you that "you are not as smart as the scientists, so let them do all the thinking." Never let anyone convince you to not pay any attention to certain things because there is no way you could possibly comprehend. True TRUTH is not complicated and does not need a person with a special education to explain it with complicated jargon. True TRUTH is there for anyone to grasp who has eyes that can see and ears that can hear. It's only when we blindly accept what we are told by the modern rulers (governmental institutions) that we invite and allow the LI ("lie") to be inserted in the OBVIOUS which in turn makes us OBLIVIOUS to True TRUTH.
A flawed world view…
Think for yourself and trust nothing and no one blindly. Keep polishing the lens through which you view the world until you can see ALL clearly and accurately, and don't stop polishing until you can. |
RED PILL OR BLUE PILL?The TRUTH is so much stranger than fiction that it seems like fiction itself, at first anyway. This site is devoted to connecting dots not usually connected, and sharing important info relevant to saving our seed, raising our OIL, and heaving our NUN. Must Read BooksCategories
December 2017
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