5 SIMPLE IDEAS THAT COULD REVOLUTIONIZE YOUR LIFE…WARNING: What I’m about to share with you might be so different from what you’ve been taught and led to believe your entire life, that it might be too unsettling to digest at first.
The orthodox health community and those who profit off poor health by the billions might even consider what I’m about to share with you as heresy. That’s OK though, remember there was a time when masses of certain folks thought the Sun orbited around Earth instead of the other way around. Just because seemingly everyone believes in something doesn’t make that belief accurate or even correct. Before I share with you how to NOT get sick EVER (the 5 points at the bottom of this article), let me first share some bad news, the simple truth about health, and then some really good news with you. First the bad news… BAD NEWS: With all the “so-called” advances in health care, people (especially in the U.S. where I’ve lived my entire life) are sicker now days than ever. Obesity rates are steadily climbing, and this is even true in younger and younger children, and there are more diseases being coined and diagnosed every day. Right here I have to state the obvious problem – the big “A” elephant in the room of our society. There is a HUGE CONFLICT OF INTEREST that is warping peoples’ beliefs about health. The obvious conflict of interest is that there is lots and lots and lots of money to be made from poor health. There is a whole industry that profits from poor health – think about how much money is made from health insurance, cancer research, experimental drugs, and over the counter pharmaceuticals just to call out a few. When you put them together with food manufacturers and the host of chemical companies that create chemical ingredients and processes to make food more affordable that tastes good, how much money do you think that represents? With all that money, do you think they could have any influence over how information about health is presented to the people? Do you think that, with all that money, they would ever voluntarily release research findings that would make the public not trust their product or service and not spend money on their brand? If anything, the companies have no interest in telling the whole truth about their research if they happen to find that their product or service causes the public harm, for that would hurt their potential for profits. To the contrary, the incentive is for companies to release marketing campaigns that bolster public trust and confidence in such a way that people feel comfortable and even compelled to spend money with the brand. Hmmm… Keep in mind that big businesses are in business for ONE THING – to make maximum profits for shareholders, PERIOD. But you say, “Don’t we have governmental agencies that protect us by making sure those big companies conduct business in a way that does not cause harm to the people?” To which I would ask, “Have you ever seen the revolving door of CEO’s and higher-ups who go back and forth between working with these so-called watch dog governmental agencies, lobbying groups, and health care, pharmacy, and food companies?” There’s your obvious conflict of interest. The people who work in these positions are individuals just like you, who are trying to make a comfortable living. Large salaries make material comfort easy to come by. Can’t knock ‘em for that. ANOTHER MAJOR PROBLEM is that most people assume that someone is watching to make sure corporations, businesses, and agencies are operating on the up and up. Well, if everybody assumes someone else is watching, then who’s actually watching? Let me clear the air now, and state for the record, that it’s NOT the fault of processed food manufacturers, big pharma, health insurers, and the like, that we’ve become such a physically ill society. These entities are NOT TO BLAME for the obesity rates and poor health of individuals. These businesses are just doing what businesses are designed to do. Businesses are in business to make money! They have no commitment or obligation to the health of the people. THE FAULT LIES WITH THE INDIVIDUAL. It is the responsibility of the individual to do his or her own thinking and to take control of his or her own actions. In the case of children, it is the responsibility of the parent or guardian to protect the child. Don’t blame the doughnut industry or your family doctor if YOU buy into the slogan that “a doughnut a day keeps the doctor away.” You have to be more intelligent than that, and the same is true for any food you choose to eat. Think! Ok, so before I share with you the simple truth for how NOT to get sick, let me share the simple truth about health and some good news with you… MY HOPE is that the light in you will resonate with the light in this simple truth about health, and that, for your own sake and your progeny, you will begin to unravel the great health mystery yourself. My hope is that you start conducting yourself in accord with a health paradigm so that you are healthy and so you can pass on healthy habits and thought patterns to your children (or grandchildren) if you have any. SIMPLE TRUTH: Our default, natural, physical state is a state of HEALTH and EASE. HEALTH and EASE are only lost when there is sufficient interference. Interference is anything that pollutes/contaminates your blood, anything that impedes digestion and causes your bowels to become obstructed, or anything that disturbs your thought patterns. I’ll leave it to you to research each of these areas of interference. GOOD NEWS: HEALTH and EASE can be restored if lost (this process is not easy due to an individual’s habituated thought patterns and actions, yet the process is simple). For any disease or condition of poor health that you’ve developed, you can “un-develop.” There is no such thing as an incurable disease. For every so-called incurable disease out there, you can find cases of individuals who have somehow overcome that disease and made a full recovery(conventional health care professionals are trained to call these recoveries “miraculous”). If the disease was incurable, then there would be no such cases of individuals who made full recoveries. If one human can recover, then the power to recover is in all humans, as we are all made of the same stuff. The question is “What is this power that all human beings have?” I’ve eluded to it several times already, and will at least once more by the end of this article, but prefer that you see it for yourself rather than give a name to it. Ok, drum roll….. Here are the 5 points you need to know and DO to NOT get sick ever again:
Follow me on Instagram and Twitter @damongivehand.
![]() Creative Commons from Soumyadeep Paul No Sunday yoga asana practice yesterday -- I was away for business. I missed that group space connection though. When we are all together and moving through our practice with breath, there is a spiritual cadence and vibration that lifts our being. Only those who practice can ever know what this feels like and what this means for the quality of their life during this lifetime. Others who do not practice and therefore lack the real and authentic experience of this heightened state of feeling/being, are the ones who speculate, doubt, and debate the truth of this. I always find this fascinating. Practice provides experience. Experience builds the door through which knowledge may enter. We are back on for next Sunday though. I look forward to seeing you there. Namaste ![]() Today, before we began our practice, we did a little exercise where we extended one arm out in front of us loosely and delicately. Then, I asked everyone to hold their arm in the same position, but strong this time as if to be prepared to resist a push or nudge and hold the position. The point here was to bring awareness to the signal the mind sends to the arm. When holding the arm up flimsily, the signal is weak compared to the strength of the signal sent when the arm is sturdy. Notice we have the conscious power to intensify the signal being sent from the mind to the muscle. The signal is energy, so we can consciously control our energy level. I asked everyone to imagine the signal as energy traveling through an energy channel, and the energy signal flows (or rather “blows”) through the channel like wind. The stronger the wind blows through, the less likely anything will be able to catch hold of the sides of the channels. But if the wind or energy signal is weak, buildup can cling to the walls of the channels and accumulate to a point where it begins to block the channel (like an artery with plaque buildup—the more plaque buildup there is, the more constricted the vessel becomes making it difficult for blood to flow through with ease). When holding yoga postures, we want to send a strong signal—not overly forced, but clear, certain, solid, and unwavering. Remaining consciously and intentionally strong in our postures and consciously holding a strong signal strength has the effect of blowing anything clinging to the channel walls off and preventing anything from gaining a foot hold on the channel walls. Clear channel walls mean that energy (or life force) can flow freely with ease. After giving good effort to clear our channels by sending strong energy wind currents through, it’s time to relax. Relaxation also works with the channels, but in a different way. Instead of sending wind through, relaxing dilates the channels, opening them up to allow an even freer flow of energy, life force, prana, chi, etc…, and with no particular direction this time. Relaxation is expansive and receptive. Keep this in mind the next time you assume shavasana at the end of your asana practice. I concluded today’s practice with a recap of YS 1.1 and then introduced YS 1.2. Namaste… Damon Today's Sunday Yoga at Allegro was a pretty awesome practice! For the first ever yoga class offered to residents, the turnout was pretty impressive. I was certainly delighted to see the number that came out bright and early, and eager to get their yoga on! This is going to be an amazing class!
I've uploaded the sequence here for your review. Enjoy! And let me know if you should have any questions... ![]() Commons from Edsel L One question I had to ask myself was, “What kind of life do I want to live?” Growing up does a job on us doesn’t it? You know—all the beliefs that are engrained in us from our parents, friends, family-friends, aunts & uncles, elders, TV & society, government, various industries (like medical and pharmaceutical to name two) and, school. Then there are our misinterpretations and misunderstandings, in addition to whatever else keeps us from thinking clearly and has us deeply confused. But let’s face it, the mind is like a double edge sword—it can be our greatest strength if we control it OR our greatest weakness if we don’t. In fact, if we don’t have control over our minds, we are wise to know that other forces are out there working day and night to control our minds so we choose their product or brand. Here’s the skinny: At some point I decided there is a life that I am meant to live and that I want to live. That’s when I realized that if the life we have at any given point is not what we want it to be, that is because the things we’ve done haven't created that life. If we want a more prosperous life, then we have to do things that contribute to the building of a prosperous life. “Doing things” means that choices have to be made. Choice is an activity that starts in the mind. So, our minds cannot be distracted by illness—because, as most will admit, it's difficult to think of anything but how bad we feel when we are ailing. The next logical question for me then was, “Is there anything I can do to keep from getting sick?” Answer: Yes. Then “WHAT can I do to keep from getting sick?” It took some time for me to figure this one out, because of all that “growing up” (and "being raised") I mentioned earlier, but now the solution to “how not to get sick” is pretty simple to me—Don’t eat when you're not hungry, don’t eat fake foods, and don’t eat too much (basically). When people get sick, 999 times out of 1000, it is because of the way they eat. People either eat too often, they eat too much, they eat the wrong things, OR they eat too much of the wrong things too often. I’ve been on this path for quite some time now, calling myself many names along the way: vegetarian, vegan, pescetarian, and some other names that have to do with the eating rules you're supposed to follow if you belong to that group. I stopped labeling myself because relying vegan rules, or paleo rules, or any book rules meant I didn’t have to think for myself -- I could simply consult the book if I had questions I wanted answers for (and if I don’t exercise my thinking muscle, how can I expect it to get stronger/better?). I also realized that none of those categories (vegetarian, vegan, weight watching and calorie counting, paleo, etc…) ever made "complete" sense as a one-size-fits-all kind of eating plan for every person on this planet. My philosophy now is “I do the best I know how as often as I can, and strive to see clearer and improve as I grow.” I've developed my own 3 simple food/eating principles that I’ve found incredibly enlightening, empowering, and health-promoting/maintaining/securing, AND leaves the responsibility of thinking and learning about food, eating, and self with the individual. Here are my 3 food/eating principles: 1) Eat only when HUNGRY, 2) Eat only what is MEANT to be eaten, and 3) Eat only ENOUGH to not feel hungry anymore. Right away you might notice that these guiding principles don't do the thinking for you, instead they ask you to pay more attention to your body and to think. You have to pay attention to when you are hungry versus when you have an appetite. What's the difference? You also have to pay attention to when you feel satisfied and practice self-restraint (self-control) when you've had "enough" to eat. And you have to think (and think accurately) if you hope to learn and know what is meant to be eaten. Many people are content to simply say food is meant to be eaten. Well, we have to do a little digging and critical thinking if we hope to determine the truth about the so-called foods that are being sold in grocery stores, convenience stores, fast food and chain restaurants, etc. Many so-called foods are not real food at all. Begin your journey of learning what is meant to be eaten today, for your health and the health of any little ones that may be under your supervision and care. I haven’t even gone into how thoroughly we should chew or where our minds should be while we eat. Let’s save that conversation for later. For now, this is an excellent starting place to regain control over a most important aspect of our lives and as a first step toward prosperity. What do you think might happen if you followed these principles for 1 week or 1 month? I guarantee that it will be tougher than you might think (at first). If you try it, notice your relationship with food, the physical difference of living this way for a week, the psychological challenges that it poses (do you control you, or do other forces control you?), and journal about your process/progress. This is a great step to make on the road to taking control of your life! True PROSPERITY cannot be achieved without SOUND HEALTH!!! ~Damon *Disclaimer: These views are mine and mine alone. I am not a licensed or certified healthcare practitioner, and these views have not been evaluated by the FDA. These views are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Please seek medical advice from a qualified healthcare professional prior to making significant changes in your health related practices or trying any new regimen or program for reasons related to personal health. Y’all know I had to include that! It’s the law! :-) LOL |
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