“No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.” Are you conscious of your Golden Nature? You are Golden you know. Why not MAKE IT A GOAL to scrape away the paint that conceals your GOLDEN SELF?
What is true about any goal, including the 12 Golden Goals listed below (now called The 12 Radical Intentions for a R.I.C.H. Life), is that in order to attain a goal on purpose, you have to study it, go after it, and then expect it! If accumulating money is a goal, study money and how to acquire it, then go after it and expect it. If joy is a goal, study joy and how to experience it, then go after it and expect it. Make sense? By studying what we are going after, we become conscious of it. And we cannot intentionally attain or achieve something if we are not first conscious of it. By studying each of the areas in the Golden Goals, we are developing our consciousness and coming out of that deep sleepwalking state that prevents us from experiencing the fullness of life and enduring happiness. The Golden Goals are life-long commitment goals rather than goals with a due date. You were born to experience the fullness of life. Practicing the Golden Goals will add to the fullness of your life. Over the next year, we’ll be exploring what I'm calling the 12 Golden Goals of 2016 (now called The 12 Radical Intentions for a R.I.C.H. Life) together at a comfortable pace. I’ll roll one goal out each month. Here they are: The 12 Golden Goals
The intent is to become more conscious in each of these areas at a steady and manageable pace. How do these goals look to you? Sound like a self-improvement journey you’re interested in? I can’t imagine that you wouldn’t want to have more happiness, be in better shape, and increase your peace of mind. Sign up here to be a part of the 12 Golden Goals for 2016 movement. If you sign up and fully participate you can expect to gradually wake to new and increasing states of awareness and consciousness, thus transforming your life in a manageable and enduring way. Manageable because each month we will focus on just one new goal so it can become securely fastened in your thought patterns. Each month thereafter, we will take on an additional goal while continuing the work we began with the previous month’s goal. This approach will allow us to build and expand our consciousness at an even rate without overwhelming ourselves. Enduring because each month is like systematically adding a layer of consciousness, thickening and fortifying our resolve and capacity to hold our ever-expanding awareness so we are mentally more durable. Remember, everything affects everything else. When we are conscious in multiple areas (like the 12 Golden Goals), they have a synergistic effect that exponentially expands our consciousness. And this will have the effect of changing your entire life for the better, for good! Once you grow, it will be impossible to fit back into the smaller places of your past. If you try to go back, you will experience pain like NBA feet trying to squeeze into kindergarten shoes. So, you have to be ready and willing to say good-bye to the old you. Are you ready? If YES, CLICK HERE to sign up for the 12 Golden Goals of 2016. I’ll catch you on the blog side or in the next email. Until then, stay amazing! Cheers & Harmony, Damon
Like me, you’ve probably made New Year’s Resolutions in the past that didn’t stick. They were more like weak wishes than deep desires. I’m not wishing this year, and I hope you won’t either. This year is going to be amazing. Don’t get me wrong, this past year has been OK, but honestly, I could have done better. What about you? This upcoming year, it’s full throttle baby! Life is way too short!!! I hope you’ll join me and set out to make 2016 your best year ever! Will you?
If so, let’s not wait until Jan 1, 2016 to start – we still have 1 week to get a jump on the New Year. You know what they say – If you’re on time you’re late. If you’re early you’re on time! Let’s start now by getting to know ourselves better. I mean, I need to know me better, and you need to know yourself better, if we really intend to blow the roof off 2016. To start the process of “getting to know self” better, I’ve created a self-check that I’m calling my Personal Obstacles Inventory (POI). It calls for some serious introspection – the toughest work there is. This list is NO JOKE, which is all good for me since I’m not joking around in 2016 – the time for all that foolishness is over! Time to get down to business, serious business! (NOTE: I recommend that you first take the End-of-Year-Self-Analysis but it is not required.) When you download the inventory, remember that the list and how you reply is for your eyes only. So be completely honest, no one else has to know what you wrote but you. If you’re not completely honest, you’ll only be lying to yourself and that’s a fast path to long-term failure. Answer these truthfully for yourself, even if you don’t like what you see in yourself (at first). The power will be that you WILL SEE what you don’t like, and because you can see it, you’ll be able to work on it. People who never look in can’t see what needs work, and therefore never change for the better. Let’s use this inventory to take the necessary look at ourselves SO WE CAN SEE and get to work. If you’re “seriously serious” about making 2016 your best year ever AND you’re ready to begin, go ahead and download the inventory to get a head start on the New Year. You don’t want to start the New Year getting ready, you want to go into the New Year already ready. Don’t procrastinate. Why prolong the pain of being less than your best, and why postpone your dream life that can only come true WHEN YOU COME TRUE? Oh, here’s a quick suggestion/request: Share this with 1 or 2 of your friends or acquaintances who you feel are on the same page as you, as far as being serious about self-improvement and success. Having others along who are as dedicated as you is a great way to stay focused and make progress, because you can feed off each other’s enthusiasm, support each other when you need a lift, and hold each other accountable until your goals are met. I’m your accountability partner too, but it’s always good to have people close to you working with you on things that matter. Another word of wisdom: Be selective in who you share this with, because you and I both know that everybody is not ready for personal growth and riches. They might “say” they want the riches, and they might actually want them, but they aren’t willing to pay the price in terms of effort to GROW INTO RICHNESS. Download the Personal Obstacles Inventory (POI). Note: For the best results possible, use this tool in conjunction with The 12 Golden Goals of 2016, which I will roll out within the next week. Hope you’ll join me and the rest of the community to make 2016 the best year ever! Don’t stop until you reach the TOP! SEE YOU THERE! ~ Damon EXPOSING THE SECRET ABOUT THE SECRET AND THE LAW OF ATTRACTIONThe 2 images below are aids in this effort. Study and compare these images, then read what is beneath… The above image illustrates a point that is tough enough — but if only it was that easy. The picture below captures the essence of success much better. I’ll explore in slight detail below… If you are not as successful and happy as you want to be it is because you are not on the mental level you need to be. To get what you want from life, first
Here’s to your success! Cheers & Harmony, Damon Make Sure 2016 Is Your Best Year YetQuite honestly 2015 was not my best year. It was decent, but it was not the best I could do. I know I’m capable of more! How about you? Were you the best version of yourself that you could possibly be in 2015?
I’m pretty solid in terms of health – I’ve spent the past 10 years or so figuring out and mastering physical health, so I’ve done pretty well there. And while I DO believe health IS of the utmost importance when it comes to living the highest quality life possible, there’s more to living a R.I.C.H. life than just radiant health. It’s also crucial to have sufficient time and resources (wealth) to do all the things your soul desires and to live a purpose-driven and meaningful life, a life of valuable service. Truthfully, more of my time could have been spent living more meaningfully, and by that I mean I could have given back more and paid it forward more. Another area where I could have done much better is in the money department – money can’t buy happiness, no doubt, but money certainly plays its role when it comes to living the best life possible. We should have multiple income streams to maximize our money flow so we can have more time and freedom to do more of what we love. Well, that’s what this post and 2016 (and ever after) are all about for me – giving back, paying it forward, helping people live the BEST life possible, providing the highest value I’m capable of to everyone I encounter, and building wealth (all while continuing to maintain and preserve my health and peace of mind of course J). I firmly believe that authentic, enduring happiness can be found where health, wealth, and purpose intersect. If you answered YES “you ARE capable of more than you gave in 2015,” will you join me on a quest to make 2016 your best year yet? If you join me, then we can hold each other accountable,and that’s what many of us need to succeed where it matters most – an accountability partner or an accountability community – if you join me, then you will be getting both, a partner and community, making it so you really have to go out of your way to not succeed. Together we can make this happen! To get started right away on making 2016 your best year ever, take this End-of-Year-Self-Analysis. Complete this exercise at your earliest opportunity (NOW is a great time J), but whatever you do, don’t procrastinate or let this exercise fade into the background of your consciousness. You don’t want to wait until 2016 to get ready for 2016. Start preparing now so that when 2016 gets here, you won’t have to get ready because you’ll already be ready. No super bowl champion ever waited until game day to prepare. In a podcast interview I recently conducted with Steve Siebold, founder of Mental Toughness University and author of How Rich People Think and Die Fat or Get Tough (just to name a couple), he said “thinking is the root of success” and I couldn’t agree more. This End-of-Year-Self-Analysis is a great tool to get you to, not only think, but to think about yourself – and since it is with improving ourselves that we want to be most successful, this kind of thinking and introspective self-reflection is vital. This tool will help you think about any invisible walls you may have unconsciously set up for yourself. Once you figure out what’s blocking you, which is a first step in how to improve YOU in the greatest way, you are making success in every area of your life an eventual inevitability. You can’t fix what you can’t even see. Click here to download the End-of-Year-Self-Analysis and together let’s set things in motion for you to transform and grow into your best life. About a week after you download this End-of-Year-Self-Analysis I’ll send you another tool – The Personal Obstacles Inventory. This End-of-Year-Self-Analysis will help you reflect on how you navigated the world in 2015 (past tense). The Personal Obstacles Inventory is similar and will cause you to take a deeper look at how you currently see yourself (present tense). Then, we’ll spend 2016 making ourselves fit to be healthier, wealthier, and happier than ever imagined. Remember, BE HONEST with yourself so you can break away from self-delusion and ease into who you were born to be. Hurry, your healthiest, wealthiest, happiest life is waiting! Damon |
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